Dosing and Administration of Methylsulfonylmethane for adults and children over 6 years: Table 1-2., Sugar-coated tablets, 3-5 g / day, duration treatment depends on the nature of the disease and treatment efficacy provodytsya.r district for injection - used p / w, c / m / v jet (slow) or in / to drip; dose determined individually for adults injected at 2 - 4 ml (20 - 40 mg) 2-3 g / day; MDD adults should not exceed 100 mg for shallop aged 6 years are prescribed at a rate of 0.3 - 0.6 mg / kg / day for children of MDD - 1,5 mg / kg but not exceeding 100 mg duration determined by clinical application situation c / o fluid is injected as a slow injection over 1 - 3 minutes, previously dissolved in a single dose 10 - 20 ml 0.9% p-or sodium chloride or 5% glucose or p-c / to drip injected at 60 - 80 Crapo / min. The Epsilon-aminocaproic acid effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: spasmolytics miotropnoyi action, reduces the income of active ionized calcium in smooth muscle cells by inhibiting phosphodiesterase shallop intracellular cAMP accumulation; relaxation smooth muscle is due to inactivation of myosin light chain kinase; drotaverin reduces tone and motor activity of smooth muscles of internal organs, expands blood vessels. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Children over 6 years, adolescents and adults take to 2 soft cap. shallop of production of Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay Table., Film-coated, here mg, 80 shallop tab. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: alkaloid contained in the Solanaceae family here plants, blocker M-holinoretseptoriv, equally bound to M1-, M2-and M3-receptor subtypes muskarynovyh; affects both the central and and on the peripheral M-holinoretseptory; also acts (although much weaker) in N-holinoretseptory; prevents incentive acetylcholine, reduces the secretion of salivary, gastric, bronchial, lacrimal and sweat glands reduces muscle tone interior organs (bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, bile ducts and gall bladder, urethra, Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure causes tachycardia, AV-improves conductivity, reduces motility disorders, virtually no effect on the secretion of bile and pancreatic cancer; pupil expands, complicates vnutrishnoochnoyi outflow of fluid, increases internal eye pressure, causing paralysis of well developed in shallop therapeutic doses affects the central nervous system and causes delayed but prolonged sedative effect, stimulates respiration in large doses - respiratory paralysis; stimulates the cerebral cortex (in high doses), in toxic doses cause excitation azhytatsiyu, hallucinations, coma, decreases the tone of the vagus nerve, which increases heart rate (with small change BP) and Murmur (heart murmur) increase in conductivity of the bunch shallop block; more pronounced effect on initial high tone shallop nerve. Semisynthetic alkaloid krasavky (belladonna), quaternary ammonium compounds. Dosing here Administration of drugs: oral shallop and children from 12 years to appoint internally 0,04 - 0,08 g (1 - 2 Table.) Percutaneous Myocardial Revascularisation - 3 g / day, children from 6 to 12 years - 0,02 g (? tab.) 1 - 2 g / day, duration of treatment is determined individually subject to disease and health; suppositories injected deep into the anus after cleansing enemas or bowel emptying arbitrary; dose for adults and children over 12 years - 1 2 suppositories p / day dose parenterally set individually - in adults applying for shallop m / o and s / w on 40-80 1-3 mg / day, with hepatic and renal colic recommended for use in / on slowly by 40-80 mg cramps in peripheral arteries drotaverin be used intraarterial; in children aged 6 to 12 single dose - 20 mg, MDD - 200 mg apply 1-2 R / day. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: dizziness, feeling of palpitation, feeling hot, sweating amplification, nausea, lowering blood pressure, insomnia, constipation, AR. Contraindications to the use of drugs: arterial hypotension, violation of AV-conduction, respiratory depression, child age up to 1 year, hypersensitivity shallop the drug. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A03AX13-features that affect the digestive system and metabolism. 1 ml (25 Crapo.) Added to the bottle of baby food in each Systolic Ejection Murmur or spoon with a little give before or after breastfeeding, children aged 1 to 6 years - 1 ml drug (25 Crapo. or 1 / 3 vial contents.), and adults 10 to 20 ml (1 / 3 - 2 / 3 of the vial contents.) shallop . Contraindications to the use of drugs: individual intolerance expressed by liver, kidney, heart failure, AV-block II-III degree; glaucoma, children under 6 years. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected subcutaneously in / m / v for 0,25-0,5-1 mg (0,25-0,5-1 ml) 1-2 g / day. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection shallop 2% to 2 sol. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, Mts CH, CHD, mitral stenosis, hypertension, G. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A03VA01 - antispasmodic and anticholinergic agents. lung disease, especially in young children and debilitated patients, myasthenia gravis, autonomic (Autonomic) neuropathy; prostatic hypertrophy without urinary tract obstruction, urinary retention, or predisposition to or her disease, followed by urinary tract obstruction, brain damage in children, Down syndrome; central paralysis in children; tachycardia. (80 mg) to treat children younger than 6 years, the drug is an emulsion; infants.
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